week in review | milestones

it has been quite a week for our family! a week filled with moments a daddy and a mama could never forget…after 40 weeks and 4 days of patiently waiting, marc and i welcomed our fourth child into the world! each of my deliveries have been as unique as each child, and this one proved no less. 18 hours of labor and one failed epidural (the only part of me that was without feeling was my right butt cheek…should have just followed my gut and gone sans epidural to begin with) later…


henry robert 9Ibs 15oz, 21 inches

5.14.11 at 11:10 am





Imageon 5.16.11 i was THRILLED to break free of the hospital and return home to my family with our sweetest little addition in tow. this also happened to be the same day as…

Imagenathan’s 2nd birthday!

Imagewe are beyond thankful to report that all three older siblings are doing amazingly well sharing attention with sweet henry.

Imageto round out a rather eventful 7 day stretch, our sweet gracie lost a tooth!! for me this feels bitter-sweet…something about that missing tooth suddenly makes my first baby seem even older. i genuinely do my best to welcome, embrace and enjoy each stage and phase our children go through…but there is always a part of me that simply wishes to keep them little.  reflecting on all that has occurred in our family over such a small span of time reminds me how blessed i feel to have each of these beautiful, healthy children and to share in this journey with marc. a dear friend once told me that when it comes to parenthood the days can be long but the years are short, and i truly couldn’t find it to be more true.

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